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Importance of Sponsorship
• Sponsorship for all three phases of the weekend (before, during, after)
is one of the Essentials of Tres Dias.
• Tres Dias is not a walk-in and sign-up organization. It is by invitation only.
• Sponsorship is an act of sacrificial love - and at the same time - spiritual warfare.
Whom Should You Sponsor?
Begin in prayer.
Tres Dias is designed for Christians.
Tres Dias is not for everyone.
Those whom you should consider inviting:
Unchurched believers who are potential church members
Dependable church members
Less active church members
Church leaders
Unchurched Christians who are hungry for “something more”
The following are not ideal Candidates, and you should not sponsor such a Candidate without much prayer and sound Christian counsel.
Non-Christians (persons who have no relationship to Jesus Christ’s church)
Persons undergoing a severe emotional crisis requiring professional counseling
Persons who repeatedly decline to make a weekend after being invited
Persons looking for another “spiritual high” or another experience to help them “arrive”
Persons living in a non-Christian lifestyle
How to Sponsor:
Start early (three to six months before the weekend).
Consider making your invitation a special occasion.
Avoid “spooking” with unnecessary secrecy, but save the surprises.
Before the Weekend:
Pray for your Candidate.
Explain that this is a cloistered weekend and that watches and phones should be left at home.
Discuss general weekend topics with your Candidate.
Plan when you will pick-up your Candidate to bring them to the weekend.
Explain to the Candidate’s family about Palanca letters.
Set a deadline for getting the letters to you.
Discuss the weekend application and fee with your Candidate. An application can be found at or you can call the Pre-Weekend couple.
Bring your Candidate to the weekend.
Stay with you Candidate through Send-off.
Deliver family and friend Palanca letters to the Palanca Room at Lake Lavon.
Provide a Sample Palanca Request Letter to your Candidate’s family and friends.
Be an encourager and helper to your Candidate.
During the Weekend:
Pray for your Candidate.
Check on the Candidate’s family.
Ensure that the Candidate’s family knows how to contact you for emergencies.
Family Palanca is a good idea. This may include mowing a lawn, babysitting, bringing them a meal, etc..., while their family member is away.
Attend the Serenade and encourage other community members to attend.
Be there for Closing; it is your responsibility to get them home. Make sure your Candidate leaves the weekend with all his/her belongings.
After the Weekend:
Help your Candidate find a reunion group.
Bring your Candidate to their first Secuela.
Help your Candidate to sponsor others.
Seek ways to help your Candidate grow in their Christian walk.
Continue to pray for your Candidate.
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