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NTTD Community Newsletter

Image by Carlos Felipe Ramírez Mesa


Weekend #76 Serenade

Come and serenade the men and women of NTTD Weekend #76! 

You don't have to sing well (or sing at all), the candidates just need to see how God can pour his love out through our community worshiping the Savior!

Men's Weekend
(for the Ladies)

Saturday, October 12th


Lake Lavon Camp & Conference Center

8050 Co Rd 735, Princeton, TX 75407

Meeting in the Lakeside Chapel.

Park at the chapel 

Arrive at the campground at 5:00 pm

Team will direct you where to go

Wear your "Sunday Best"

Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: Come before his presence with singing.
Psalm 100:1-2

Women's Weekend
(for the Men)

Saturday, October 19th


Lake Lavon Camp & Conference Center

8050 Co Rd 735, Princeton, TX 75407

Meeting in the Lakeside Chapel.

Park at the chapel 

Arrive at the campground at 5:00 pm

Please wear a white shirt or dress shirt.

If your spouse, fiancé, or significant other is a candidate, by Tres Dias tradition you may not attend serenade.

Prayer Wheel

Please sign up for the prayer wheel! 

As we gear up for the next North Texas Tres Dias Weekends, we know that the teams are doing their very best to prepare to give their all to serve the Candidates who will be attending.  As the community, it is our responsibility to make a petition of prayer on behalf of the candidates, team, and Rectors.


The most impactful way of praying is signing up for the 24/7 Palanca Prayer Wheel.  Remember, everyone who signs up to pray will have their name displayed during the weekend to show the candidates how the community is supporting them.


Please step up, and pick a time!

Click on the button below to be taken to the prayer wheel.  If you only see the Men's List, scroll down to see the Women's List.


You can also visit the NTTD App to sign up for the Prayer Wheel.


Hello NTTD Community!
It's time to nominate candidates for our next Board Election for 2025-26!


We are now accepting nominees for the following positions:

  • President-Elect: Will start as President on Jan. 2026
    (Candidate must have served as Rector on a NTTD weekend, or be Rector-ready)

  • Corresponding Secretary

  • At-large (Must have served a minimum of 3 NTTD weekends)

Please be in prayer for the men and women who would make good representatives of the community for the next two years on our Board in the December election. We are excited to welcome new faces - or old - and see where the Lord leads us in the upcoming years. We also will be looking for committee members to help with:

  • Social media

  • Essentials training

  • Tech team

You can email your suggestion to the Nominating Committee at:


Thank you,

Dak Lyons

President, NTTD

Thanksgiving Dinner

November Secuela

Celebrate the New Pescadors at a Brunch!

We will have our Annual Meeting of the Members

Saturday, November 16, 2024

9:00 am - 11:00 am

Oak Point Park - 5901 Los Rios Blvd, Plano, TX 75074

Keep an eye on your email for more information.

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If you would like to serve on a Tres Dias weekend, you will need to attend training to learn all that goes on during a weekend.

The Leaders Committee is offering a training date.

Tuesday, October 29th

6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

3509 Wandering Trail, Plano, TX 75075

Contact Claudia Kelley at (214) 762-6769 for more information.


Fill out the form below and the details will be sent to your email.

Weekend #76 Men's Rector

Rector: Kurt Sadowski


Theme: Dauntless


Verse: "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love."  1 Corinthians 16:13-14


Colors: Black and Tan


Song: "Voice of Truth", Casting Crowns

My name is Kurt Sadowski, I attended North Texas Tres Dias #51, and I sat at the Table of Luke. My wife, Grace, our kids and I serve and Worship at The Bridge Community Fellowship in Lucas, Texas.
Well, we have just finished our fourth and final team meeting. We have prepared well, we prayed together, built camaraderie and worshipped our Lord together.
I believe the team of NTTD #76 has bonded and we are ready to show up October 10th as one Unified team. Ready to serve and love on the men of NTTD #76.
Please, continue to join us in prayer for the team and their families; as well as for the men that will be attending the weekend and their families. We are excited to watch God move and to witness what he does on this weekend.
Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
Let all that you do be done in love.
1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Kurt Sadowski
Rector NTTD #76
Voice of Truth

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Weekend #76 Woman's Rector

NTTD Women's #76 Weekend Image.jpg

Rector: Gayla Lewis


Theme: Hanging onto God’s Coattails


Verse: “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land.”  Isaiah. 1:19


​Colors: Blues and Whites


Song: “Trust and Obey”

My name is Gayla Lewis. I attended North Texas Tres Dias women’s weekend #11 where I sat at the table of Rachel. My husband, John, and I worship and serve at Gateway/Prosper.


This weekend will be awesome because the Lord will be there; it's His team and His weekend. It's been amazing to see the wonderful women (and 2 male spiritual directors) that the Lord has brought together for this venture. God is doing His thing, and we're just sort of riding on His coattails! We are excited about the candidates that the Lord is bringing to join us on this weekend. We've been praying for them for some time, and we look forward to meeting them in person.


We hope all the community is praying for us and the weekend. Apart from Him, we are nothing, and can do nothing of any eternal value. We'd love it if all of you would sign up for the prayer wheel to ensure that His will shall be accomplished.


Thank you, and De Colores!

Gayla Lewis, Rector

Palanca for Weekend #76

Please, don't forget to BE A LEVER!

Palanca is always needed on the Tres Dias Weekends! You can be the "lever" that will help someone on the weekend see Jesus working in their lives. So, get your Reunion Groups together and start hot glueing!​


Did you know that you don't have to be on the team to write a "General Palanca Letter?" The candidates would be so blessed to see your prayer and blessing for them on the walls or in their Palanca bags!

You can drop off your Palanca during Send Off, or Serenade. Don't forget to make more than you think you should! Prepare for 42 candidates, and at least 80 team.


©2025 by North Texas Tres Dias. All rights reserved.

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