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NTTD Community Newsletter

Fall Tokens


Would you like to serve?

Here is how to let the Weekend #75 Rectors know you are interested in serving on a NTTD Weekend.

The NTTD Weekend #75 Rectors have begun the process of praying and seeking wisdom in putting together their teams.  You can help them by letting them know you are willing and able to serve. Here is how!


  1. Log into NTTD Connect.

  2. Select the circle in the upper right corner.

  3. Choose the blue "Profile" link.

  4. When you see your profile, select "Edit Profile".

  5. Scroll down and find the field:

    • "Interested in Working on a Weekend Team?"​

  6. Select "Yes"​ then save!


You can also update your gifts and talents on your profile so that the rectors can know where to utilize you on their team.


  1. Navigate to your Profile.

  2. Select "Actions" under your name.

  3. Choose "My Fit".

  4. Check the boxes that "Fti" your talents.



Are you interested in serving on an upcoming weekend? 
If so, join us for one of the upcoming Essentials Trai
ning classes.
You must take an Essentials clas
s prior to serving on a weekend.

The Leaders Committee is offering a training date.

Thursday, November 9th

6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Claudia Kelley's Home

3509 Wandering Trail, Plano, TX 75075. 

Call Claudia Kelley at (214) 762-6769 for more information.

Hey North Texas Tres Dias Pescadores,


November 28, 2023, is Giving Tuesday!

If you’ve never heard of Giving Tuesday, here's a little background. This concept was launched almost a decade ago with a simple question… “What if everyone got together for one day to do good?” It has since become a movement that inspires acts of generosity across the globe. The Giving Tuesday network ( has a common mission to build a world where generosity is part of everyday life. 


North Texas Tres Dias is participating in Giving Tuesday to meet both operational needs and weekend participation needs for our upcoming Men’s and Women’s weekends.


Financial gifts donated on Giving Tuesday will go towards community benevolence, weekend supplies, candidate and team fees, storage unit rental, website hosting, etc.


We have a BIG goal to raise $5,000 on Giving Tuesday, and every dollar counts. Whether you can give $1 or $100, we pray that every one of us who has received hope in some small way will take this opportunity to practice giving hope to others.


Will you partner with us on November 28th to help us reach our goal and make a difference in the lives of those in our community?  Please consider joining with North Texas Tres Dias on November 28th, 2023, as we give thanks for the blessings God has poured out to us by giving back to others.

Giving Tues


John Zaiger
Chris Madrid
Kurt Sadowski
Grace Sadowski
Shawn Linney

NTTD Board Elections

The NTTD Nominating Committee is hard at work curating a selection of candidates for the Board of Directors.  If you, or if you know of a Pescador that would be a good fit for one of the positions below, please email John Zaiger to make a nomination.  The board will be sending out a notification of election very soon.  Make sure to keep an eye out for future communication.



Vice President / Treasure / Recording Secretary / At-Large Member


Christmas Secuela

Saturday, December 2, 2023

9:45 AM - Arrive

10:15 AM - Festivities Begin

Reclamation Church
901 Cross Bend Rd, Plano, TX 75023


Join the North Texas Tres Dias Pescadors as we come together to celebrate our friendship in Christ!


Games, Gifts, and Silent Auction!

If you would like to donate a gift basket, stuffed stockings, or decorated wreaths for the Silent Auction, please contact the 4th day committee.  Proceeds go towards funding the NTTD Ministry.


WHAT TO BRING (Last Name):

A-D: breads, croissants, waffles, muffins, pancakes, crepes, biscuits, etc.

E-K: casseroles, bacon, sausage, smoke salmon, eggs, yogurt, oatmeal.

L-S: fruit and desserts….anything festive.

T-Z: drinks like juice, creamer, anything festive!

Misty Football Field

NTTD Weekend #75

After the successful conclusion of the men and women's NTTD Weekend #74, the Official Bell has been passed to the next set of weekend rectors.  Please be in prayer for these Rectors as they begin building teams, and planning their weekends.  Keep reading the newsletter for more information regarding their themes, verses, and songs.

Joe Linney
April 11-14, 2024

Joe Linney.jpg

Beth Denehie
April 18-21, 2024

Beth Denehie 1.jpg

Meet Cindy Cardwell

My name is Cindy Cardwell and it is an honor to serve as Rector Selection on the board. It is also a privilege to help lead Essentials Training to new pescadors with my co-leader Claudia Kelley.  When I attended my weekend I sat at the table of Rebecca. Throughout the weekend I kept thinking when can I come back and serve just like these amazing women are serving me. 


My husband, Bob and I worship at Hope Fellowship in Frisco at the west campus. We attended North Texas Tres Dias weekend #24. It took 2 years before Bob agreed to go through a weekend when Lewis and Lynn Jue, our sponsors asked him. Several people prior to the Jues had invited us, but the Lord knew our appointed weekend was supposed to be in 2004. I share this to say, don't give up when you have asked someone to attend a Tres Dias weekend and they say no. Continue to pray and trust God's timing.


Bob and I have 4 grown children and our 9 grandchildren range in age from 11 months to 18 years of age. We are blessed that they live close to us and we see them often. 


I work full-time for my sister's company which allows me to have a lot of flexibility when it comes to serving. When I am not working, Bob and I love to spend time together creating date night opportunities. 


One of the things I love most about serving on a Tres Dias weekend is having a front row seat in watching the Father transform women's hearts throughout the weekend. It is an honor and joy to be used as a vessel in any Cha position. Honestly, I love being  part of God's kingdom work through serving on weekends. 


The other blessing that Tres Dias has brought into our lives is community through our reunion groups. I can't imagine life without the Tres Dias community! I believe I have a closer walk with the Lord because of the accountability as I do life with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am forever grateful and blessed! 


I encourage you to get involved, if you are not, in serving in the community and sponsoring new candidates, finding a reunion group and growing in your piety, action and study! 


Trusting in Him - 

Cindy Cardwell 



When I first became a believer, I would often wonder how God could use someone like me. In my daily devotional, pastor Nicky Gumbel shared how English theologian John Stott once wrote: "No higher honour could be imagined than to be an instrument in the hand of Jesus Christ, to be at his disposal for the furtherance of his purposes, to be available whenever wanted for his service."

Being "useful to the Master" and "instruments for noble purposes" starts with dedicating your life to him and re-dedicating it regularly to his service. In 2 Tim. 2:20–21, Paul encourages us, "Become the kind of container God can use to present any and every kind of gift to his guests for their blessing."


How can you we used to God? Here are 25 ways from Prov. 25, 2 Timothy 2, and Jeremiah 49-50:

  1. Love your enemy

  2. Watch your tongue

  3. Avoid quarrelling

  4. Bring good news

  5. Stand your ground

  6. Do not seek honour

  7. Be self-controlled

  8. Don’t worry about what others say

  9. Pass the message on

  10. Endure hardship

  11. Avoid distractions

  12. Keep to the rules

  13. Work hard

  14. Meditate on God’s words

  15. Focus on Jesus

  16. Correctly handle God’s word

  17. Turn away from evil

  18. Be a peacemaker

  19. Be kind to everyone

  20. Learn to teach

  21. Don’t be resentful

  22. Hear the word of the Lord

  23. Allow God to speak through you

  24. Walk closely with the Lord

  25. Find rest in the Lord


Lord, I want to be useful to you, the Master – an instrument for noble purposes, prepared to do any good work. I want to seek your face, to bind myself to you. I dedicate myself to you again today. May we as a community be useful to you, a community where people find kindness, faith, love and peace. May we bring the good news of Jesus to all those around, transforming society and changing our world in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Dak Lyons.jpeg

Dak Lyons

Prez Points


©2025 by North Texas Tres Dias. All rights reserved.

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