NTTD Community Newsletter

June Newsletter
Past Newsletters:
Next NTTD Weekends:
Weekend #74 - Men
August 24-27, 2023
Weekend #74 - Women
September 7-10, 2023
What are your talents and skills?
Hopefully you have logged on to our new community portal called NTTD Connect! Now that you are ready to connect, it's time to update your profile.
NTTD has a new helpful feature called "My Fit." Here you can update your profile with your skills and talents. As Rectors prepare to build their team, it is so important that they know how pescadors can be placed where their skills are best utilized. Please take a moment to log in to NTTD Connect and update your "My Fit" skills.
Here is how to update "MY FIT"
Log into your account at
You will need to request an account if you have never logged in.
Select the circle in the upper right hand corner, then select "Profile."
Here is where you can update your contact information.
Choose the "Action" drop down menu in the blue box next to "Edit Profile."
Here is were you will select the "My Fit" option.
This will open up your "My Personal Fit Profile."
Check the boxes that "fit" you, making sure to select each tab at the top.
Spiritual Gifts
Abilities (Most important to fill out!)
Personality Style
Select "Save" and you are good to go!
Men's Weekend #74
Dates: 8/24/2023 - 8/27/2023
Rector: David Reiter
Theme: Firm Foundation
Colors: Blue and Silver
Verse: Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
Song: Firm Foundation by Maverick City Music

Women's Weekend #74
Dates: 9/7/2023 - 9/10/2023
Rector: Melanie DesPlas
Theme: “God Sees You” “Draw Near”
Colors: Sage Green, Beige, Rust, Turquoise
Verses: Psalms 33:18 - "But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love" & Hebrews 10:22 - "Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water."
Song: “Draw Me Nearer” by Caedmon’s Call.

(Formerly Tres Dias School)
Are you interested in serving on an upcoming weekend?
If so, join us for one of the upcoming Essentials Training classes.
You must take an Essentials class prior to serving on a weekend.
The Leaders Committee is offering two training dates in the month of June.
Saturday, June 17th
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Cindy Cardwell's house:
4236 Fryer St, The Colony, TX 75056
Thursday, June 22nd
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Claudia Kelley's house:
3509 Wandering Trl., Plano 75075

Meet John Zaiger
My name is John Zaiger and I attended North Texas Tres Dias #38, where I sat at the table of Matthew. My wife Cindy attended North Texas Tres Dias #40 and we attend Gateway Southlake. We have two children of our own (Alexandria, JT), our unofficially adopted son (Allen) who we took in when he was 15y/o, and three grandchildren which includes our granddaughter who was adopted from Uganda. Cindy says my biggest gifts are giving, teaching and mentoring.
I’ve had the privilege to serve on multiple NTTD mens weekends and truly love to see God work. I’ve served on several VN boys and girls weekends as well. I’m currently serving on the NTTD Board as a Member-at-Large. I ran for office because I wanted to serve at a higher level, to understand the inner workings of NTTD and help NTTD continue to grow and thrive. I found out very quickly there’s a lot of work to be done. Rest assured the Board is working hard prioritizing and acting on the most important items/projects to make sure NTTD continues to serve The Lord in a way that best glorifies Him.

I also serve with Embrace Legacy which is connected to Embrace Grace. Embrace Grace is a Christian ministry started at Gateway that assists young women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. The Embrace Legacy side is for the “baby daddy’s” who are interested in just trying to figure out their next steps. It’s a 12-week curriculum that attempts to get the dad-to-be to think about their future and what they want their “legacy” to look like.
It has been an honor to serve on the Board and I feel that I’m just getting my feet wet. I’m looking forward to continued service to this community that I dearly love.
~ Zaiger

Glory in Defeat
Sometimes it's hard for me to put thing into perspective, especially when things aren't moving as fast as I would like them to. I read the struggles of those in the Bible and don't always realize how long the situation they are in is lasting. I mean, I can read it in a few minutes, so it doesn't seem to register that it could be days/months/years! When I read something quickly, but am going through a "long-suffering" period of life, I don't always see the benefit or how it could end well, and can feel defeated.
In a recent devotional, the author brings up some of the tough situations Jesus and King David went through.
"The crucifixion of Jesus shows that God can be glorified in what appears to be a defeat. This is the moment of Jesus’ greatest triumph. His life appears to be a horrible failure. Hate seems to have conquered love. But in fact, the conquered one, who has apparently failed, has in fact triumphed and opened up a source of new life, a new vision for humankind and a new road to peace and unity. If you are struggling at the moment with the circumstances of your life, stay close to Jesus and remember that God can be glorified in defeat. The greatest triumphs in our lives sometimes occur when the circumstances seem to be hardest."
In the book of Samuel, we see how David’s triumphs do not always come easily. Victories in life are rarely easy, they can sometimes come after many difficulties and failures.
At one point, Saul said to David, ‘May you be blessed, my son David; you will do great things and surely triumph’ (1 Samuel 26:25). At one stage in life Saul was the Spirit-filled man of God, getting rid of evil from the land, but later he consulted the very witches he has expelled. David joins the Philistines, lives by deceit and murders women and children (chapter 27) and has to sink to very low depths to hide what he is doing. The picture the Bible paints of David is far from perfect, and yet God uses him despite his failings and failures.
We also see David had an opportunity to take revenge on Saul, who was trying to kill him, but he refused to take revenge. He had great respect for Saul, because he was in a position of authority. David stayed loyal and faithful to Saul, despite the fact that Saul was trying to murder him.
The life of David teaches us not to expect instant success and triumph. Often, God prepares us through the years of obscurity, difficulty and even defeat or failure. It is in these times of testing that, like David, we must never act out of revenge but rather treat everyone with love, honor and respect."
I sometimes shy away from a situation that could end in defeat, but I am missing out on an opportunity for God to receive glory!
let's look for ways to honor and glorify God in tough situations, and trust that he will see us through - for His glory!
De Colores!
Dak Lyons
NTTD President