NTTD Community Newsletter

Past Newsletters:​
Weekend #76 Rectors
Pray for the Rectors as they prepare for their weekends!
Weekend #76 Men's Rector

Rector: Kurt Sadowski
Theme: Dauntless
Verse: "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love."
1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Colors: Black and Tan
Song: "Voice of Truth"
- Casting Crowns
Weekend #76 Women's Rector

Rector: Gayla Lewis
Theme: Hanging onto God’s Coattails
Verse: “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land.”
Isaiah 1:19
​Colors: Blues and Whites
Song: “Trust and Obey”

Meet Chris Madrid
My name is Chris Madrid and I attended North Texas Tres Dias #50 along with my amazing wife Linda. With our three kids, Rocco, Felix and Arden, we worship and serve at The Parks Church in McKinney. Linda and I lead our 5th & 6th grader’s every other Sunday and also lead & mentor middle school and high school students on Wednesday nights. I also have a very demanding job as a mortgage broker where I solve the world’s financial problems…well… maybe not the world’s but, several families across North Texas at least to build wealth through real estate.
My weekend profoundly transformed my life. Immersed in deep reflection and connection to God’s love, I found a renewed sense of purpose. This experience ignited a passion for helping others and leading me to volunteer and serve in North Texas Tres Días and my local church. I’ve served on several North Texas teams and can honestly say each time I serve, it only gets better and, I truly mean that.
I now share this journey by serving on the board as your treasurer and have learned so much along the way and, I look forward to how God will continue to grow me.
De Colores!
Chris Madrid
NTTD Treasurer

"Have you received palanca that is continually meaningful to you?" This was a question posed recently by the NewsLetter Editor. I have, and I hope by sharing my story with you, that you might also find a deeper meaning and purpose in the palanca you receive and especially what you provide.
While I do not remember on which weekend it was that I received my cross palanca, I can tell you that it is in my pocket, daily. When I have the honor to serve at a table, it is this cross that we pass in the circle during our “We Prayers”. When I deliver a meditation, talk, or even share the announcements at my home church, it is this cross that I hold. Most importantly, this cross is a regular reminder and reflection of my relationship with Jesus.
I hold and carry this cross so much that I have become intimately aware of its shape, texture, and its flaws. I have assigned some of my personal trials to the flaws in my cross. I use this as a constant reminder that Jesus Christ gave his life as a sacrifice for my own transgressions and I can put these on the cross as an expression of my faith in God’s love and forgiveness. As I am very aware of the details my cross, I am reminded that I desire the same knowledge and intimacy with Jesus. I love my cross because of its representation of Jesus in my life.
As often is the case of personal testimony, I am sharing this message with you, not because I think you should have the same experience, but I do hope that you recognize the value that can be placed on a simple bit of palanca. It is a “lever” that is meant to represent the work of the Holy Spirit moving us from where we are to where we need to be. As you prepare or receive palanca, I encourage you to do so prayerfully and with great expectation that it will serve its purpose in that moment and possibly for years to come.
De Colores,
Tom Dixon
NTTD Men's #59

I've been going through the Bible with the Bible Recap, and we are now in 2 Kings. In the 3rd chapter, the host Tara Leigh Cobble give a great reminder about God. "Elisha is prophesying to the kings on how they will defeat Moab, he says they shall not see wind or rain, but the stream bed will be filled with water. God was going to provide in a way that was invisible to track, they would be able to see any progress, just results. This is the kind of things that is always such a trust building exercise, when we can't see how He is working, but we just have to believe that He is. God does some of His best work in the dark, just because it is dark doesn't mean He doesn't have victory in store when the lights come on."
In the daily reminders, we are asked "how did you see God in the scriptures?" I am not sure I would notice some of these things, as I sometimes tend to "read to read" the Bible.
But it's a great reminder as we walk daily to remember that God doesn't always reveal His plans, His ways, and His agenda to us. Sure, sometimes it seems like it would be great to know what He's up to, but we would be better off trusting and believing that He's got it.\
During the tough times, I wish I could tell you just what is in store with all things NTTD, but I will never be able to! Just like on the weekends, even though we have timelines and scripts, we don't know what God has in store!
I'm praying that I and we can trust in God when things are dark and unclear, and know He is GOD!
De Colores,
Dak Lyons

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Keep in mind that we are still working with Pushpay to make a software that has been created for churches, work for our 3 Day Ministry. There maybe things that do not apply to our ministry, and things that are still in progress. Thank you for being patient while we make NTTD Connect a wonderful place for pescadors go for information.
Abigail Tusant
Corresponding Secretary
Newsletter Editor