NTTD Community Newsletter

Past Newsletters:​
Answer the Call
When Rectors call, who will answer?
We are all so busy. Our days go by, and it seems like a blur. When we get a call, do we answer? If you are anything like me, it goes straight to voicemail. So, when we get a call from a Rector in the middle of the noise, how do we respond? Do you tell them you will pray on it? Do you tell them you will check your calendar? Or do you even answer the call?
Tres Dias weekends rely on the service of pescadors. Rectors pray and search tirelessly, with the assistance of the Leaders Committee, to build a team. They know each person who serves will forever impact the lives of the men and women who attend. Rectors make hundreds of calls to build a team, and it can be discouraging when responses don’t come back.
Rectors Joe Linney and Beth Denehie are currently building their teams! If you get a call, please get back to them in a timely manner. If you let them know you will pray and call them back, make sure to follow up on the call.
Please be in prayer for the rectors, teams, and future pescadors that will be attending Weekend #75.
Would you like to let the Rectors know you are willing and available?

God Moments
Do you consider yourself to be a patient person? I do. I can delay gratification, save money for goals and hang in there during a traffic jam (mostly) with good grace. In what you may think is an unrelated topic, we have been hearing and will continue to hear more about giving financially to NTTD. I can tell you, after my weekend, Women’s #65, it did not occur to me at all that in spite of the great experience I’d just had, this might be a good or worthy place to give money. I work with non-profits, so I know NFPs have a responsibility to be fiscally strong, not just solvent. Once elected to the NTTD Board, I learned that giving to NTTD was not only an option but also greatly needed.
There are many good causes that ask us to share these days. From my vantage point on the NTTD Board, I can tell you that our leadership takes our fiduciary responsibility seriously. I can also tell you that the Board wants to stay vitally connected to the community we serve and has been working on multiple fronts to improve communication (HELLO beautiful new newsletter and amazing new app!) I am seeing how our small money gifts are being multiplied by Him. I know that the cost of everything seems to be increasing these days. (When did a fast-food lunch routinely become $15 for one person!?) Speaking of money gifts, it’s true, a consistent gift of $15 per month given by enough of us will make a HUGE difference over time…now we are circling back…thanks for your patience!
I love the idea that my small monthly gifts can be combined with others and might be the PALANCA (sorry, had to) that helps bring someone to Christ. The more NTTD Community members I meet, the more I hear amazing stories of what I like to call “God Moments” related to attending or serving on NTTD weekends. You know the ones I mean, those moments either on your first or your 15th weekend when you have an experience that can only be from Him. Others may call them “coincidences” or “serendipitous,” but we Believe with a big “B” so we know these moments are one more way that God reminds us of His love. I remember one weekend I served, and at the end of Thursday evening chapel, we were told to pick up a river rock from a pretty basket by the door, take it back to our dorm in silence and then reverently wait until morning to look at the word painted on the backside. Just as the I was turning in, I just couldn’t wait; I had to look at my word. There it was, in pretty painted script: “PATIENT”
De Colores
Giving is easy!
Kendal Hauck
Do you have a Tres Dias God Moment?
Share with the Newsletter Editor at

Meet Aaron Boeglin
Hello, my name is Aaron Boeglin and I attended NTTD weekend #66 – where I sat at the table of Sarah. I worship at Gateway Church, Dallas Campus and serve there as a Stewardship teacher and am also on the Altar prayer team. I am a mother (mom, bruh, woman - pick a title lol) of one son and a Gigi to two very sassy granddaughters. Side note – I have no clue where all that sass comes from. <wink> I also have a very demanding job as a project manager in a tax firm where I spend my days as a master problem solver, being bossy (I mean being a boss lady) and mentoring the younger generation that need encouragement.
I have been a believer for many, many years. Most of those years, I have spent tripping over my feet trying to figure out my walk with the Lord. I wanted to be the Father’s perfect daughter so He would be proud of me. It was because of my incorrect assumptions of the Father, I tried to hide or forget about the pain I carried for too long. BUT on my Tres Dis weekend, the Lord started breaking down walls. That weekend allowed the Father to lovingly point out that I had yet to face my pain and was blocking Christ from doing His perfect work in me. My Tres Dias weekend accelerate my journey of freedom and redemption.
That is why I love the Tres Dias community. I love that the weekends are a safe place for the Lord to work in our lives without outside interference. I love the friendships I have built here. I absolutely LOVE that this community just wants to wrap our arms around those that are hurting and show them the love of the Father. I have served on Tres Dias weekends and now get to serve you as one of the At Large Board members. Being elected to this position is truly humbling. It is my honor and privilege to serve, love, protect, lead and most importantly pray for the North Texas Tres Dias community.
De Colores! Aaron Boeglin
I haven't been to a missionary trip to another country before but have always wanted to! I have learned while not everyone can go "on" the trip, you can be a part of it in many ways. Tres Dias is the same, all of us can't work every weekend—we have had over 5000 come through NTTD weekends—but, like mission trips, there are other ways to help, and be a part. Some of us have worked many weekends, and can now help more with sponsorship, serving on the board, palanca or donating to the community to put on weekends.
If you were blessed by the weekend you went through, and can't serve anymore, would you consider donating to help support the community? Thank you, and be blessed!
P.S. - I actually have the chance to travel to Nairobi this summer to help with Made in the Streets ministering to homeless teens! Praise God for this opportunity!

Dak Lyons
NTTD President
Men's Weekend #75
Rector, Joe Linney - April 11-14, 2024

THEME: True Potential
VERSE: Proverbs 19:21
SONG: Nothing Else by Cody Carnes

My name is Joe Linney I attended North Texas Tres Dias number 48. I would love to tell you what table I sat out but the truth is I don’t remember. My wife Shawn Linney and son Jacob Linney attend Triple S cowboy church in Palestine, Texas. We are blessed to live in the country where the city lights don’t reach, but the stars shine bright. I enjoy spending time with my wife and son, whether it be in the gym or riding around in the pastures looking at our cows and the wildlife.
The weekend I attended had quite a few effects on my life today. It renewed my relationship with my faith, family, and life in general. I remembered what it felt like to talk to God and to hear him respond. I felt loved and counted through all of my gruff exterior. I figured out my way wasn’t the right way to live. As I stepped out of the truck at my house my then 11 year old ran around the front of the truck, stopped, looked at me right in the eyes and said “you're different” not hi, where have you been, nothing those two words came out of his mouth and I was done for.
I have had the many blessings on serving on weekends filled with the conversations and laughter, sometimes tears. The one thing that I will never get tired of seeing is men experiencing GOD. Many relationships were manifested from Tres Dias and most of my close friends are a product of this community.
My weekend theme is TRUE POTENTIAL. Proverbs 19:21 say Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lords purpose for him that will stand (amp). I like the fact that in the world we all have preconceived notions of our true potential (financially, work, status) there is an end sum. However with God our true potential is never ending. He is constantly urging us to be better than we were.
Women's Weekend #75
Rector, Beth Denehie - April 18-21, 2024

THEME: Worthy, Loved, Forgiven, Chosen
VERSE: Matthew 13:46
COLORS: Red orange, Blue green, and Pearl
SONG: O Come to the Altar

When I was asked to serve as Rector for weekend #75, my immediate reaction was I am certainly not worthy so how could I say yes? God so sweetly reminded me that not only was I worthy but I was chosen. He chose me for this very weekend and I am honored and excited to see how the Lord humbles me and guides me in building a team of worthy, loved and chosen people who will prepare their hearts to serve.
My prayer for the weekend is that the voice of the Lord overpowers the enemy whispers that we aren’t worthy, aren't loved and that our sin is unforgivable. As we prepare our own hearts to share the love of the Lord, may we be reminded no matter what stress or friction we encounter, we have each been formed into a beautiful pearl that is valued, loved and chosen by God.
Please join us in prayer for the team and candidates of
weekend #75.
De Colores
Would you like to serve on the Men's or Women's weekend? Fill out the form below to show your interest.

Are you interested in serving on an upcoming Tres Dias weekend?
If so, join us for one of the upcoming Essentials Training classes.
You must take an Essentials class prior to serving on a weekend.
The Leaders Committee is offering a training date.
Monday, February 19th
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Claudia Kelley's Home
3509 Wandering Trail, Plano, TX 75075.
Call or Text Claudia Kelley at (214) 762-6769 for more information.

Tech Cha's Needed
NTTD is growing very rapidly! Not only in pescadors, but technology as well. As years have progressed, the role of "Tech Cha" has become much more involved, requiring someone with actual technical experience. The Board of Director's Tech Committee has committed to assisting the Rectors in training the Tech Chas for their weekends.
If you have experience in computers, or sound equipment, consider being officially "Tech Cha Trained." Having this training will ensure that the Team Meetings and Weekends go off without a hitch!
Training includes, but is not limited to; NTTD Connect management, team meeting check-in, sound system set up and operation, Presenter Pro set up and operation.
Please fill out this short form and the Tech Committee will contact you for training.