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NTTD Community Newsletter




North Texas Giving Day


We are excited to share that North Texas Tres Dias will be participating in North Texas Giving Day again this year! North Texas Giving Day is September 19, 2024, but you may give anytime! Donate today!


Making a tax deductible donation to NTTD will insure our community will be able to have a sustainable future. A majority of the team fees you pay go towards paying the campground for our weekends. Very little of your team fee goes towards regularly occurring operating funds. Your donations assure that our organization will be able to cover costs such as website and email hosting, storage unit rental, general operating costs, and more.


Thank you for supporting your NTTD community! 

Weekend #76 Men's Rector

Rector: Kurt Sadowski


Theme: Dauntless


Verse: "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love."  1 Corinthians 16:13-14


Colors: Black and Tan


Song: "Voice of Truth", Casting Crowns

My name is Kurt Sadowski, I attended North Texas Tres Dias #51 and I sat at the Table of Luke. My family and I serve and Worship at The Bridge Community Fellowship in Lucas, Texas.


We have now had our first two team meetings and we had a tremendous turnout.

The team is bonding and breaking off into pairs to pray for each other and are committed to reach out weekly to pray for one another. Our leadership team has done an excellent job of running the meetings, being efficient and engaging. Thank you, Chris and Tim!


We have been intentional in using the team meetings to do the hard work to prepare well; so that when we arrive on the weekend, we know our duties and let God do what only he can do.


Please join us in praying that the team and the candidates of NTTD #76 show up with a spirit of Idealism, a spirit of Cooperation and a spirit of Love.


If we do our part with excellence and prayer; God will do his part


Kurt Sadowski

Rector NTTD #76



1 Corinthians 16: 13-14

Voice of Truth

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Women's Rector
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Weekend #76 Woman's Rector

NTTD Women's #76 Weekend Image.jpg

Rector: Gayla Lewis


Theme: Hanging onto God’s Coattails


Verse: “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land.”  Isaiah. 1:19


​Colors: Blues and Whites


Song: “Trust and Obey”

My name is Gayla Lewis. I attended North Texas Tres Dias women’s weekend #11 where I sat at the table of Rachel. My husband and I worship and serve at Gateway/Prosper. I have the honor of being rector for the women’s weekend #76 this fall, October 17-20.


I’d like to share a story that our Head Cha, Tiffany George, relayed earlier today. It exemplifies the weekend theme of “Hanging onto God’s Coattails”:


“Two frogs accidentally jump into a bucket of milk. They swim around for a few minutes, trying to figure out how to get out. One of the frogs decides there is no hope, gives up, and sinks to the bottom of the bucket. The other frog continues to swim. After a long time, the frog is too tired to keep swimming. When she stops swimming, she is surprised that she is able to stand. All the paddling had churned the milk into butter, and she is able to jump out!”


Perhaps I can speak for the rest of the team and myself when I say we are hanging onto the Lord’s coattails, trusting Him to turn all our endeavors (which sometimes seem like crazy paddling just to stay afloat) into something life-giving and honoring to Him! 


If any woman who’s been through Essentials Training would like to join the team immediately, we still have a couple of spots open. There will be a team meeting this Saturday, September 7th. Please call me at 972-979-3968 for more information. Also, we have need of more men and women to volunteer for the prayer wheel. Lastly, if you’ve been thinking of sponsoring someone to NTTD, this is your chance! There are still candidate openings for the men’s and the women’s weekends. We hope to see you soon!


God bless you, and De Colores!

Gayla Lewis

Sunset florianóplis island_edited.jpg


If you would like to serve on a Tres Dias weekend, you will need to attend training to learn all that goes on during a weekend.

The Leaders Committee is offering a training date.

Tuesday, October 29th

6:30 pm to 8:30 pm

3509 Wandering Trail, Plano, TX 75075

Contact Claudia Kelley at (214) 762-6769 for more information.


Fill out the form below and the details will be sent to your email.

Meet Pete D'Aloise

Hello Community! My name is Pete D’Aloise and I attended NTTD Weekend #26 where I sat at the Table of Paul. I am husband to my amazing wife, Amber, Dad to our beautiful daughter, Cambell, “Mr. Pete” to the kids at Legacy Church, and “The Pawfather” to our dog and a small army of rescue cats and kittens. I was privileged to be God’s steward as Rector of NTTD Men’s Weekend #68 and currently wear multiple hats on the NTTD Board as the Men’s Leaders Committee Chair as well as the Weekend Committee Chair. Some of my brothers that I’ve been honored to serve and to serve with on NTTD weekends may know me better as Vinny, Fire Marshall Bill, Tony Abrazioni or one of my other multiple skit personalities.

Now that I’ve told you a little bit about “who” I am, let me tell you “whose” I am. You see, no matter what hat I may be wearing…skit creator, board member, weekend moving guy or feral cat rescuer…I’m first and foremost a child of God, a passionate ALL IN follower of Christ and a humble servant of the King of Kings. I have been saved to serve. That is the call God has put on my life. He has blessed me with a heart to serve Him and to serve others, and I’m so thankful to have the opportunity to do it through this ministry and community.


I know there are many of you who feel the same way and I encourage you to check into the multiple opportunities to give back to the NTTD ministry. Serving on a weekend team or the Board of Directors, participating in Serenades and Secuelas, sponsoring candidates to attend a weekend, and making monthly contributions of financial support, are all ways to give your time, talents, and treasures to this ministry we love. Serving on the Board for the last several years has been an extremely gratifying experience and has provided me with a backstage pass to see all it takes to make our Holy Spirit filled weekends happen. As the saying goes, “it takes a village” or, in this case, a “community of servant leaders.”  It takes…YOU!


One final thought about community…if you, your family, or friends are interested in providing a forever home for a rescue cat or kitten, please let me know. We have several available that are fully vaccinated and waiting patiently to find their “person.” You can find pictures posted on my thepawfathertx Instagram page or contact me at for more information.



Pete D’Aloise

NTTD Leaders Committee Chair

NTTD Weekend Committee Chair


Prayer Wheel

It's never too early to sign up for the prayer wheel! 

Click on the button below to be taken to the prayer wheel.  If you only see the Men's List, scroll down to see the Women's List.


You can also visit the NTTD App to sign up for the Prayer Wheel.



Hey NTTD family,

Summer is almost over, but we have lots of exciting things still to come this year! To help keep you up to date, and the community informed, we will be sharing videos on upcoming events, news and more. These will be short, Reel-like videos on everything from upcoming weekends, to Secuelas, Tres Dias Essentials, the upcoming Board elections and anything else NTTD related.

We are looking forward to sharing with you this new way of communicating, so be on the look out for texts in the upcoming weeks with links to the videos. And, please let us know what you would like to see covered in the upcoming months! Looking forward to it!


De Colores,




Your sponsorship begins on your knees and ends on your knees. It is very important to seek God’s wisdom as a Tres Dias sponsor. It is more than asking, signing in, and picking up your Candidate. Sponsorship is praying, serving, and encouraging your Candidate before, during and after the weekend. It involves a sacrificial commitment by you on behalf of another. Good sponsorship is an integral part of the Tres Dias experience.

View this checklist which will assist you in the sponsorship of a Candidate for upcoming weekends.


Do you know anyone who is ordained or licensed to teach and counsel in spiritual matters in their home church, musician, or worship leaders that would be a good candidate for a Tres Dias Weekend? It's important to think of the future of our community. How sustainable can we be if the Spiritual Directors and Musicians that we love so much are serving every weekend? As you consider who you might sponsor, also consider how that candidate can be a future serve team on our weekends.


Mark Your Calendars!

We will have our annual "Meeting of the Members" at our Secuela on

November 16, 2024.

More information will be coming soon!

Make sure to keep an eye on future newsletters.


©2025 by North Texas Tres Dias. All rights reserved.

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