NTTD Community Newsletter

August Newsletter
Past Newsletters:​
Next NTTD Weekends:
Weekend #74 - Men
August 24-27, 2023​
Weekend #74 - Women​
September 7-10, 2023​
Men's Weekend #74
Dates: 8/24/2023 - 8/27/2023
Rector: David Reiter
Theme: Firm Foundation
Colors: Blue and Silver
Verse: Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
Song: "Firm Foundation" Maverick City Music
"Andi and I have been a part of the NTTD community for almost twenty years and we love seeing the Holy Spirit in action on each weekend, and how He shows up differently on weekends we’ve served. I have been blessed with the opportunity to serve as Rector, for NTTD Weekend #74.
Shortly after being asked to serve, we needed to pray about the direction the Lord wanted us to follow. It’s all about living in God’s Firm Foundation. Which is perfect for the Reiter’s because we’ve been through some very challenging times the last few years. But knowing that we can lean on the Lord and the NTTD community during these difficult situations, is such a blessing. When the candidates leave the campgrounds on August 27th, our prayer is that each of them confidently know they can rely on God’s Firm Foundation." ~David

Women's Weekend #74
Dates: 9/7/2023 - 9/10/2023
Rector: Melanie DesPlas
Theme: “God Sees You” “Draw Near”
Colors: Sage Green, Beige, Rust, Turquoise
Verses: Psalms 33:18 - "But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love" & Hebrews 10:22 - "Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water."
Song: “Draw Me Nearer” Caedmon’s Call.
"My desire is to remind everyone, including myself, that “you are worthy of his love and his love is sufficient for all!” The Lord placed this on my heart many years ago and it is something that should permeate our daily walk.
Psalm 139 tells us in summary: The LORD created all the delicate, inner most parts of you. He knows your every thought and emotion before you were ever created. He watches you, smiles at you, and He knows your heart. His thoughts of you are precious to Him, for they cannot be numbered!
Like an Edelweiss flower growing in high altitude, rocky limestone, we can feel at times like we’re stuck in a dry and barren place, surrounded by harsh, rocky conditions. But God has climbed great heights for His bride; HE SEES YOU as WORTHY and HE desires for you to passionately DRAW NEAR to Him because You belong to Him!
Psalm 33:18 along with Hebrews 10:22 say: “But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,” (So), “let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.” ~Melanie

Thursday, September 21, 2023, we are participating once again in NTX Giving Day, an online giving extravaganza! With NTX Giving Day, we’re able to reach more people, engage their passion for our mission, and make an even greater impact.
During the entire month of September prior to NTX Giving Day, you can make your gift early through Early Giving! The platform makes it simple and easy to give! Between now and September 20, you can give your gift online! Just click below!
After you make your gift, encourage your friends, family, and colleagues to be a Giving Hero like you! Tag #NorthTexasTresDias and use the #NTxGivingDay hashtag to join the excitement online!
We’re grateful for your continued support of North Texas Tres Dias and we can’t think of a better way to amplify that support than by supporting us on NTX Giving Day as a matching fund donor!
Matching funds are a great way to inspire people to give and to help us reach our goal on NTX Giving Day. By matching gifts, you demonstrate your commitment to our mission and cause.
For more information about matching funds,
contact Rob Burner,
Of course, you can contribute to North Texas Tres Dias anytime throughout the year by donating a tax-deductible recurring payment or periodic payment below.

September Secula
Join North Texas Tres Dias for “Secuela Under the Sky”
Acoustic worship, a gentle breeze, tasty food, a beautiful setting, much laughter, energizing relationships, inspiring conversations, and a much needed quiet whisper from God as we come together.
Be watching for more information from your 4th Day Committee.
De Colores!
Saturday, September 23rd
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Arbor Hills Nature Preserve
6701 W Park Rd., Plano, TX 75093
Are you interested in serving on an upcoming weekend?
If so, join us for one of the upcoming Essentials Training classes.
You must take an Essentials class prior to serving on a weekend.
The Leaders Committee is offering two training dates in the month of June.
Saturday, September 23rd
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Arbor Hills Nature Preserve
6701 W Park Rd., Plano, TX 75093
Call Claudia Kelley at (214) 762-6769 for more information.

Meet Jacob Capetillo
My name is Jacob Capetillo and I attended North Texas Tres Dias #63 where I sat at the table of Luke. LUUUUUUUUUKE!!! My wife Marlaina attended North Texas Tres Dias #63 as well. We attend Uncommon Church in Euless Texas. We have two beautiful daughters (Nevaeh and Madelyn) who are just like me! Happy ! Happy! Happy!
I have a few interesting hobbies such as cooking and training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I also love to read and spend quality time with family and friends. I also really love Tres Dias. When I was a candidate I drew near to Jesus in a special way. The experience impacted my life in a miraculous way. I have had the privilege to serve on a ton of Tres Dias weekends and now I have the honor to share the vision of this community with my brothers and sisters who serve on the NTTD board.
I ran for an At-Large chair just to see if I had any friends who would vote for me! Looks like I have a bunch of friends. All kidding aside I have asked the Lord for opportunities in the Kingdom to lead. I love when Jesus said, “ I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself, He does only what he sees the Father doing “. Even Jesus said he could do NOTHING by himself. The call to serve in the Kingdom has brought me to Tres Dias and this community needs help!
I was once told to live my life like a king. Royalty is my identity. Servanthood is my assignment. Intimacy with God is my source. I believe as children of God we are to live like a king or queen and serve in the circles of influences you are in. I pray as you read this, you have a tug on your heart to come and serve the Tres Dias community. I pray you as you are reading this that you would consider sponsoring a loved one on the next NTTD weekend. I pray that if you have not served in a while, you come back soon and get an abrazo!

Servanthood is our assignment.
See you soon with arms open wide.
De Colores!
- Jacob Capetillo
What are your talents and skills?
Hopefully you have logged on to our new community portal called NTTD Connect! Now that you are ready to connect, it's time to update your profile.
NTTD has a new helpful feature called "My Fit." Here you can update your profile with your skills and talents. As Rectors prepare to build their team, it is so important that they know how pescadors can be placed where their skills are best utilized. Please take a moment to log in to NTTD Connect and update your "My Fit" skills.
Here is how to update "MY FIT"
Log into your account at
You will need to request an account if you have never logged in.
Select the circle in the upper right hand corner, then select "Profile."​​
Here is where you can update your contact information.​
Choose the "Action" drop down menu in the blue box next to "Edit Profile."​
Here is were you will select the "My Fit" option.
This will open up your "My Personal Fit Profile."
Check the boxes that "fit" you, making sure to select each tab at the top.
Spiritual Gifts​
Abilities (Most important to fill out!)
Personality Style
Select "Save" and you are good to go!​

Unity - May they be one
One of the great - and amazing, really - things we get to experience on Tres Dias weekends is the team experience. It is awesome seeing the candidates experience it, but working on a team is unique. The combination of diverse churches represented, along with many different character traits, shows how amazing God is in bringing it all together to work as "smoothly" as it does for three days.
It's not perfect of course. One of the biggest challenges is getting all of the opinions and strong personalities to work together and agree on things. I know it took me a while to get over the fact that it was not being done the same as "my weekend" in a lot of ways. Sometimes I would go into a weekend with a me first attitude - why do I have to do this job, what if I don't like the food or get a good dorm, etc. - instead of a Christ-like attitude of "not my will..."
Jesus himself prayed for you and me, all believers, in John 17, that we would have unity and be one as he and God were one.
Unity is a hard thing to achieve! It's hard in churches, on weekends, and even within the Board. I pray we continue to strive to serve the Lord in this community in unity and spirit, like Jesus.
De Colores!